Port scan and run SSHcrack.exe 22 which then brute forced until it found a password and I was in. In the tutorial phase, I stole a file called SSHacker.exe or something like that. Steal files then delete the logs to cover your tracks. I don't know much about real world hacking but in this game, you receive and email, complete that given task then click reply before receiving another. Too bad they're not like binary commands or anything but still, it felt realistic. Like "rm *" which deletes all files in a server's folder. However I began playing Hacknet and it definitely has a learning curve but I felt like a real hacker to some extent. Fallout 3 was probably the closest and I liked the look of the terminal and green text while Deus Ex 3 is probably the worst I've seen. where you have the option to "hack" in a computer, never once felt like hacking to me. So many games like CP 2077, Deus Ex, etc. The old /r/patientgamers Essential Games List Please use flair to display what games you’re currently playing, not a punch line, username, tag, URL, or signature. New, mobile-friendly spoilers can be posted using the following formatting: Want to play online in a dead gaming community? We expect you to know these rules before making a post. Please click here to see our current rules. We no longer maintain our posting rules in Old Reddit. Join our Discord Join our Steam Group Follow us on Twitter Posting Rules

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