On Friday, March 3, 2023, the Division of Information Technology, and local IT units will remove the TikTok app from any remaining managed devices. For assistance, contact the Division of Information Technology Help Desk or your local unit’s IT help desk. UW–Madison employees, regardless of full, part-time, or hourly status, who have the TikTok app installed on a university-owned device, must uninstall the app by the end of the day Thursday, March 2, 2023.Following consultation with UW System staff and representatives from other campuses to clarify details regarding how the directive should be implemented, I am writing to let you know that complying with this directive requires the following: UW System President Jay Rothman has instructed all UW campuses to ensure the removal of any installation of the TikTok app from university-owned devices ( Mac, Windows, iOS, iPad OS, Android, tablet, and other devices ). We have learned much about the potential risks to national, state, and institutional cybersecurity – and just as importantly, the risks to our personal information security. In recent weeks UW System Administration, chancellors, and campus technology and communications leaders have been in robust conversation about cybersecurity in general, and more specifically about the TikTok app on university issued devices including phones, tablets, and computers (Mac, Windows, iOS, iPad OS, Android, tablets, and other devices).

This message is intended for those who have installed the TikTok app on a university-owned phone, tablet, or computer (Mac, Windows, iOS, iPad OS, Android, tablet, and other devices).